
Final Major Project 

Metro Trash was inspired by how I pick up the free metro newspaper on the tube to university every day to avoid the awkward eye contacts on the can, the journey is more relaxing and you don’t have to concentrate on the central line as it squeals it’s face off. I have continued to read and analyse the metro and have noticed that the important stories are in a tiny box in the corner, yet celebrity trash and the royal wedding are the main headlines. How many trees died for Meghan and ginger pubes to be splattered over every British newspaper? The paper continues to avoid bringing up big issues on the regular, it tends to switch between 3 or 4 stories a week with serious content with little information on the topic, pure trash and some comedy gold. The good deed feed is always good as I find these small pieces of human sincerity to be a positive part of the newspaper and is much needed authenticity in between the rest of the stories.

Dick Bruna 23 August 1927 – 16 February 2017)

“Bruna was best known for his children’s books which he authored and illustrated, numbering over 200. His most notable creation was Miffy (Nijntje in the original Dutch), a small rabbit drawn with heavy graphic lines, simple shapes and primary colours “246x0w

The minimalistic style used by Bruna is so bold and effective , a really well thought out drawing , to make something so simple but beautiful is a real achievement , Bruna makes  great characters using the simplest form , I take this in to consideration when creating character as shape can create some abstract interesting effects, the thick well defined lines help hold together the vibrant primary colours often used composited these aspects work wonders , I feel his style is also very Semiotic and recognisable , taking influence from this great illustrator when using colour , line and shape in my processes also great character influence.


Kieth Haring

Artist and social activist Haring’s work responds to New York street culture, In his work we see him explore many concepts, including birth, death, sexuality and war. By using his illustrations as a voice, he was an artist and also an activist encouraging society towards idea’s of solidarity. His vibrant characters tell cheeky quirky narratives and are placed perfectly, popping up in the subway making sure these pieces of work are going to be 1212572seen. Haring’s work is appealing to people of all ages and takes influences from street and pop culture. I can take plenty of influence from him he’s a Legend, colour and shape come in to play perfectly here, also idea’s of pushing political issues and movements by using the city and its streets around you to create interactive art work for everyone.



Intial Drawings Sketch Books 

   BOOK 1

Scan 45

Scan 38

Scan 43

Scan 41

Scan 44

Scan 46

Scan 47

Scan 42

Scan 40

Scan 39

Scan 49

Scan 50

Scan 51

Scan 52

Scan 53

Scan 54

Scan 55

Scan 56

Scan 57

Scan 58


Scan 37

Scan 36Scan 60


Floating- Surrounding Idea’s – Not yet followed 

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Online transactions on games are at there peak and big companies like E.A sports have seen their game Star Wars Battle Front 2 game on XBOX one fail, due to the complaints about the pay to play system that they were starting to push in this game. A lot of games today do this and I can remember I cost my mum a fortune using her card as a child on FIFA Ultimate Team and I was addicted. There are arguments saying that this promotes and influences gambling and I had the idea to cast it in bronze to signify the monetary worth of these packs to address its physical value despite it not being a physical thing.

Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 19.22.39 I would love to recreate this Iconic game crate from crash bandicoot, this box signifies a the reward in the game but is physically a simple breakable box, bringing these “valuable” game elements to life would comment on its importance in reality.Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 19.23.16

Gallery Visits


Untitled 2

Untitled 3

Untitled 4Scan 21


Scan 9

Scan 4


Scan 3



The Dan Colen show gave Inspriation for working on larger and starting to this about how I can bring my drawings and characters to life as this show expressed in the best manor a fun nostalgia adventure through the gallery , vibrant with colour form and attitude a variety of out comes mid practice things I look for in my practice this gallery was big inspiration I enjoyed the majority of the pieces highly , form moving trainers to a chewing gum wall it was an overall colour bound expressive journey very relatable to my generation also I feel with mass culture icons places through out through character and object.















Whilst working on my sketch book work, I am also working on big sheets of drawing paper and developing my drawing skills on a variety of scales whilst exploring layout and the relationship between drawings and shapes that can be made when considering layout and style.

The drawings below are all on paper  36″ x 24″.

4ft drawing 4

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4ft scan 2

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4ft scan 3

cricket ayy

bigboi 4ft

bigboi 4ft

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After being unable to find a large format scanner at LCC I went in to UEL to use their scanner, this was really helpful and I think it is a really good way to view the larger drawings to scale as you can see more of the texture as the drawings are created using a variety of different mark making and techniques which all add different textures and effects to the work.




Scan 47

Scan 49Scan 52Scan 54Scan 42Scan 50Scan 51


Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 22.40.22

Screen Shot 2018-05-03 at 14.38.07Scan 3

Scan 17

Scan 16

Scan 7

Scan 24

Scan 25

Scan 20Scan 22Scan 19

Scan 14

Scan 18



Scan 69



FMP continued –

Outdoor Experiments / found objects


FMP – Metro trash -continued Further Development

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